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Trading Critique

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This Trading section of Trading Critique is here to educate you about trading from scratch. If you are a beginner in trading this will help you understand trading from the basics. You can never find these contents anywhere else on the internet other than your Understand Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Crypto, Binary options, CFD, and all other trading types available globally.

WARNING: Trading is highly risky. If you invest without knowing what it is, you might lose a lot of money. Use your to learn properly about what you’re trading and then start your trading. When you use proper trading strategies you can increase your profits via any type of trading.

Whether you’re new to trading or looking to refresh your knowledge, this guide will provide valuable insights into the fundamentals of trading.

What is Trading?

Trading involves buying and selling financial assets such as stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities to create wealth. Trading can be done through various methods, including online platforms, brokerages, and exchanges.

Types of Trading

There are several types of trading, including:


Trading stocks involves buying and selling shares\equity of publicly traded companies.


Trading forex involves buying and selling currencies from around the world.


Trading options involve buying and selling contracts that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price.


Trading futures involves buying and selling contracts that obligate the buyer to purchase or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price at a future date.

Types of Trading

Before starting trading, it’s important to understand some basic concepts. These include:

Risk Management

Risk management in trading is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks associated with investment decisions. Trading involves a certain level of risk, and traders need to have a risk management plan in place to protect their capital.

Here are some key aspects of risk management in trading:

Risk identification

This involves identifying potential risks associated with a particular investment decision. Traders should consider factors such as market volatility, liquidity, and potential losses to identify potential threats.

Risk assessment

Once risks have been identified, traders should assess each risk's likelihood and potential impact. This involves analysing market trends, financial data, and other relevant information to determine the potential impact of each risk.

Risk mitigation

Traders should have a plan to mitigate potential risks. It may involve diversifying their portfolio, using stop-loss orders to limit potential losses or setting limits on the amount of capital they are willing to invest.

Monitoring and adjusting

Traders should continually monitor their investments and change their risk management plan as necessary. It may involve reassessing risks, adjusting investment strategies, or reducing exposure to specific risks.

Technical Analysis

Technical analysis involves using charts and technical indicators to analyse price movements and identify potential trading opportunities.

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating the intrinsic value of an asset by examining various economic and financial factors, such as company financial statements, industry trends, and macroeconomic conditions. Fundamental analysis is a popular approach traders and investors use to make informed investment decisions.

Here are some key aspects of fundamental analysis in trading:

Company financial statements

Fundamental analysts review a company's financial statements, including its income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, to assess its financial health. They may examine revenue growth, profit margins, and debt levels to determine whether a company is likely to perform well in the future.

Industry trends

Analysts also consider broader industry trends to evaluate a company's position in the market. It may involve examining market share, competition, and regulatory factors that could impact the industry.

Macroeconomic conditions

Fundamental analysts consider broader macroeconomic factors, such as interest rates, inflation, and economic growth, that may impact a company's performance.

Valuation models

Fundamental analysts use various valuation models to estimate the intrinsic value of an asset. These models may include discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio analysis, and other financial ratios.

Trading can be a lucrative way to invest your money, but it’s important to understand the basics before getting started. By understanding the different types of trading, risk management, technical and fundamental analysis, and trading strategies, you can make informed trading decisions and potentially earn significant returns. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights into the basics of trading.

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