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What Is the Main Difference Between Stocks, Shares, and Equity?

Are stocks, shares, and equity the same? No, they are not. Let we explain the differences clearly in this article.

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Quick Insights

Stocks represent ownership in one or more companies and can encompass various types such as common stock and preferred stock.

Shares are individual units of ownership in a specific company, typically offering voting rights and potential dividends.

Equity refers to the total ownership stake in a company, calculated by subtracting liabilities from assets, and can include stocks, but also other forms of ownership like private equity.

What are stocks?

Companies issue shares of stock to raise money. When you buy stock, you own a piece of the company. You get voting rights, dividend payments, and the chance for your shares to increase in value.


But owning stock doesn’t mean you control the company. If you don’t like how things are going, you can sell your shares and invest elsewhere.

Types of stocks

What are shares?

Shares represent units of ownership in a company. When a company decides to divide its ownership into smaller portions to raise capital, it issues shares. These shares are then sold to investors.


Each share typically represents a portion of ownership in the company. For example, if a company issues 100 shares and you buy 10 of them, you own 10% of the company.

Investors can acquire shares by buying shares and liquidate their ownership by selling shares in the stock market.

What is equity?

Equity is the money that belongs to the owner of a company. You can figure out how much equity a company has by looking at its financial statement. Just subtract what the company owes (liabilities) from what it owns (assets).


People use the share price or a value set by experts to know how much the company’s equity is worth. It’s also called owners’ equity, stockholders’ equity, or shareholders’ equity.

What is the difference between stocks and shares?

Here is a comparison of what is a stock vs share:

Aspect Stocks Shares


Ownership in one or more companies.

Individual units of ownership in a specific company.

Term usage

Used more generally, talking about ownership in companies overall.

Used when you're talking about ownership in a particular company.

Types of ownership

Common stockholders have voting rights.

Preferred shareholders usually lack voting rights.

Voting rights

Can vary; usually, if you have stocks, you might have a say in company decisions.

Commonly come with voting rights, meaning you could vote on company matters.


Depending on how well the company stock does, you might get some money back (dividends). This is more common with common shareholders.

If you own shares, especially common ones, you might get dividends if the company does well. Preferred stock dividends are usually fixed.


If you have stocks in different companies, your risk is spread out.

Your risk is more tied to how well that specific company does.

What is the difference between stock and equity?

What are equities vs stocks? Here are:

Aspect Equity Stocks


Total ownership stake in a company (including assets & liabilities)

Ownership shares of a company traded on stock exchanges


Total Assets - Liabilities (book value)

Market-determined by supply & demand


Not traded on stock exchanges

Traded on stock exchanges

Public Participation

Does not involve general public (can be private)

Involves general public participation

Price Fluctuations

Prices do not fluctuate publicly

Prices fluctuate daily based on market forces

Disclosure in Balance Sheet

Value of equity is disclosed in the balance sheet

Value of stocks is not typically disclosed

Consideration in Acquisition/Merger

Value of equity is not considered

Value of stocks is considered

Listing Requirement

Not required to be listed on stock exchanges

Must be listed on at least one stock exchange to be considered stocks

Ownership Representation

Represents the net worth of the entity

Represents ownership in the company

Share vs equity

Aspect Equity Shares

Ease of Trade

Varies - Depends on the type of equity. Publicly traded equity (like stocks) is easy to buy/sell. Private equity can be harder.

Easy to buy/sell - Shares of public companies are readily available through brokers.

Where Found

All kinds of businesses (public & private)

Publicly traded companies listed on stock exchanges.


Sometimes get a share of profits

Always get a share of profits.

What's Included

Represents ownership stake in a company (including assets & liabilities).

Only certain types of ownership in a company.


Risky because you're part of the business.

Less risky because you just own a piece of it.

Term Scope

Broad term - Encompasses various ownership interests (shares, options, etc.)

Specific term - Refers to individual units of ownership in a company.


Invest big and own a whole business

Buy specific number of shares in a company

Investment Goal

Invest to make money over a long time.

Make money from short-term price changes.


Not all types of equity are shares.

All shares are a type of equity.

Stock vs share vs equity

Aspect Stock Shares Equity


The terms Stocks represent ownership in one or more companies.

Shares are units of ownership in a single company.

Equity refers to the total ownership stake in a company, encompassing both assets and liabilities.


Owning stock in Amazon and Microsoft.

Owning shares of Amazon or Microsoft.

Holding a percentage of ownership in Amazon or Microsoft.


Stock represents partial ownership in one or more companies.

Ownership in a particular company.

Complete ownership in a specific company.

Voting Rights

Voting rights vary depending on the type of stock (common stock typically has voting rights, while preferred stock often doesn't).

Voting rights typically come with shares, though some exceptions may exist depending on the company's structure.

Typically includes voting rights in decision-making.

Market Value

Stock prices fluctuate based on supply and demand in the market.

Share prices fluctuate similarly to stocks, but the specific company's performance can also impact the price.

The total equity value reflects the company's net worth, which indirectly influences the market value of its stocks.


Stocks, shares, and equity are related but have unique meanings. Stocks mean owning parts of companies, shares are ownership units in one company, and equity is the total ownership stake in a company, including assets and debts. While shares are a kind of equity, not all equity is in shares.

Stocks and shares can differ in voting rights and dividends, while equity shows a company’s ownership and financial status. Knowing these distinctions helps investors understand financial markets better and make smart decisions in investing.

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